Wednesday 4 January 2012

Growing The Vegetables

have you every thought of growing vegetabes?
well if you have keep on reading this lens
growing vegetables is fun and exciting.

I had always seen my grandmother growing vegetables when i was very young and had always learnt tips and tricks
passed down from her grandparents. its a fun expericance to grow vegetables but can be hard work too its not easy to do
but with each year you will grow in knowledge and experiance.

There is always a first rule of growing vegetables and this is plan your space. for example where are your raised beds going to
go? how big do you want them to be? its always good to messure your plot.
in my old vegetable plot i had 5 foot x 5foot beds and about 1 foot high its up to you you can do any shape or size.

Why have a raised bed?
well raised beds are fantastic!!! they help raise you vegatbles off the ground so you dont stand on them, but
they also help you not to use the soil which is in the ground this soil can be poor and unhealthy for vegetables
the beds help you put in nice, rich soil for your vegetables and this will make the roots strong. Raised beds also
help you to have a longer growing season.

Compost and Garden soil
well the compost is simple all you need is a bags of organic compost you can get this from any diy store that
has a gardening department, you are going to want to fill your beds with the compost you buy but you dont want to fill them to the top of the beds
because you still have the garden soil to add then you need to use a rake and make its all flat. yep that simple
the garden soil is needed as well as the compost the reason is this gives the vegetables body which means something to help
support taller vegetables as i said some garden soil is not good so get a brand of soil called "John Innes" this stuff really helps.

Water and raised beds
there can be a problem when watering raised beds and this is losing water too fast, so what you may need its bark chips or Gravel
all you need to do is mix this into the soil (you will to judge how much to add as each bed is a different size) dont forget not to add too
much you dont want you vegetables to drown so test with a hose first and see if the water drains slowly.

Feeding the soil
this is very important to do, this helps put goodness into the soil which will help your vegetables be strong and healthy
you are going to need a organic fertiliser the best to use is the blood, fish and bone this is very good to use
when bought this will give you full instructions on how to use.
and of course using manure!!! nothing like fresh manure this can be bought in bags it does smell but wow it works
this is normally put in at the end of harvest so the manure can rot through winter and relese all the goodness into the soil.

so now that you have made or bought your raised beds, filled with compost and garden soil and feed the soil
your ready to grow depending on the season.

for more in depth information and for deals on Growing guides please go to:

Photo by Simon Howden

1 comment:

  1. Good information on growing vegetables. We should try to eat fresh vegetables as a part of healthy eating.
